PANDA Trial 


Would the research project be a good fit for me? 

We are looking for community members from diverse backgrounds who are willing to participate in a group online interview. The study might be a good fit for you if you are physically inactive and would like to discuss how nature can improve your health.  


Will I be paid to take part in the research project? 

Participants who attend and take part in the Focus Group Interview will each receive a gift of $100.00 electronic gift card as thanks for your time and participation.  

What is involved if I choose to participate? 

In Phase 1 of the PANDA Trial we invite members of the public to participate in an online Focus Group interview. 

We ask you to participate in, and be aware of, the following; 

To take part in this study you must meet the following eligibility criteria:  

Further information and who to contact  
To sign up or for further information about the study you can contact the study team at or Phone 02 9348 0786