11.12.2024 Professor Feng and UNSW Medicine & Health #EDI Committee team host Ability Network event at UNSW.

04.12.2024  Professor Feng says “Thanks to the Heart Foundation for inviting me to present at the "Let’s get physical" webinar🏃‍➡️ 🏃‍♀️‍➡️”

The title of Professor Feng’s talk was "Can #SocialPrescribing promote #physicalactivity, #qualityoflife and #cardiovascular outcomes?"

01.12.2024 Keynote and panel presentation at the Asia Pacific #SocialPrescribing Conference 2024 Singapore!


Professor Xiaoqi Feng spoke on education and evaluation in social prescribing, while Professor Astell-Burt gave a keynote on city greening and nature prescribing.


A highlight for both Professors was the opportunity to talk with and connect with many Wellbeing Coordinators and Link Workers working in the frontline of Social Determinants of #Health in #Singapore.

12.2024 Publication for PowerLab Professor Xiaoqi Feng and Professor Thomas Astell-Burt.

Global, regional, and national burden of injuries, and burden attributable to injuries risk factors, 1990 to 2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease study 2019. Public Health. 2024 Dec 1;237:212-31.

12.2024 Publication for Publication for PowerLab team members Dr Michael Navakatikyan, Professor Thomas Astell-Burt, Professor Xiaoqi Feng.

Contact with nature may be a remedy for loneliness: A nationally representative longitudinal cohort study. Environmental Research. 2024 263, 1, 120016.

21.11.2024 Professor Xiaoqi Feng has the pleasure to join the UNSW #Urban Future Expo to present her research on Rapid #Urbanisation and #Population #Health at Paddington Campus!

21.11.2024 Professor Xiaoqi Feng joins colleagues to celebrate UNSW #STEMM Champions extraordinary growth as #leaders at their end of year event.

19.11.2024 Professor Astell-Burt recognised in University of Sydney researchers recognised in highly cited list in Clarivate's 2024 Highly Cited Researchers list.

19.11.2024 Professor Xiaoqi Feng hosts the ISEE - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology last online course of 2024.

Professor Feng looks forward to these courses continuing in 2025

Click here for further information 

14.11.2024 Publication for Publication for PowerLab team members Dr Michael Navakatikyan, Professor Thomas Astell-Burt, Professor Xiaoqi Feng.

Chapter 6 Nature contact and burnout. Routledge Handbook on Spaces of Mental Health and Wellbeing. 2024 Chapter 6.

11.11.2024 Publication for Professor Thomas Astell-Burt.

 Australian link worker social prescribing programs: An integrative review. PloS one. 2024 Nov 11;19(11):e0309783.

06.11.2024 Professor Astell-Burt presents at the USYD Brain and Mind Centre Symposium. His key message: If we want to flourish, we need to build healthier cities for everyone and we can get there by prioritising #planetaryhealth

Watch the Panel Discussion online 

Or coming soon to our Videos & Audio page 

05.11.2024 Professor Astell-Burt is panel member at Macquarie University, where he shared findings from a decade of interdisciplinary research linking #trees and urban #greenspace with better #mentalhealth, less #diabetes, #CVD and #loneliness 

01.11.2024 Publication for Publication for PowerLab team members Dr Michael Navakatikyan, Professor Thomas Astell-Burt, Professor Xiaoqi Feng.

Feng X, Navakatikyan M, Astell-Burt T. Reduce Speed Limits to Minimize Potential Harm and Maximize the Health Benefits of Street Trees. Land. 2024; 13(11):1815.

01.11.2024 It was Professor Feng’s great pleasure to host the HEAL NSW Hub 2024 Symposium today on UNSW campus.

We had fantastic speakers sharing ideas, lived experiences and research findings on a range of topics, from the 'Intersection of #socialImpact and environmental change' to '#partnering with Aboriginal communities'.

Prof Feng especially enjoyed our panel discussions and questions from the audience.

Thanks to all the committee members for helping out! 

31.10.2024 Professor Feng and PowerLab staff host HEAL NSW Hub 2024 Symposium at UNSW

View the event and photo gallery HERE 

30.10.2024 Professor Feng takes part in ADAPT2024 panel on "Cutting-Edge Insights in Adaptation Research and Its Transformative Applications" at UNSW Roundhouse. 

25.10.2024 Professor Astell-Burt gives the keynote at the Australian Institute of Horticulture annual conference.

23.10.2024 Professor Astell-Burt at the Sydney-Fudan Climate and Health Symposium.

He talked about #MentalHealth and emphasised the importance of #greenspace 

22.10.2024 Professor Astell-Burt presented at the Parks and Leisure Australia NSW/ACT webinar, speaking on insightful perspectives on the challenges we face in NSW.

15.10.2024 Professor Feng had the pleasure to co-chair with Michael Farrell a session at UNSW Medicine & Health's hashtag#HealthX event on partnerships.

Session title: Partnerships across the UNSW Network. 

10.2024 Professor Thomas Astell-Burt gives a guest lecture to 180 students in Dr Yuan Wei's ARCH9080: #Urban #Ecology, #Design and #Planning class 

10.2024 New paper with Prof Xiaoqi Feng and Dr Michael Navakatikyan:

Astell-Burt, T., Navakatikyan, M. A., & Feng, X. (2024). Contact with nature may be a remedy for loneliness: A nationally representative longitudinal cohort study. Environmental Research, 120016. 

10.2024 Publication for PowerLab Professor Xiaoqi Feng and Professor Thomas Astell-Burt.

Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet Public Health. 2024 Oct 1;9(10):e729-44. 

10.2024 Publication for Professor Xiaoqi Feng and Professor Thomas Astell-Burt.

Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet Neurology. 2024 Oct 1;23(10):973-1003. 

10.2024 Publication by PowerLab members Dr Tanya Pritchard, Professor Xiaoqi Feng, Dr Ramya Walsan, and Professor Thomas Astell-Burt.

When does greener mean slimmer? Longitudinal analysis of green space, trees, grass, and body mass index in a cohort of 50,672 Australians: Exploring potential non-linearities and modifying influences of household relocation and gender. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 1;100:128448 

29.09.2024 Publication for PowerLab members Professor Xiaoqi Feng, Dr Selin Akaraci & Professor Thomas Astell-Burt:.

Benefits of Green Space for Mental Illness, Sleep, and Cognitive Health in Mainland China. In: Dong, GH., Yang, BY., Yu, YJ. (eds) Green Space and Human Health in China. Springer, Singapore. 

09.2024 Professor Xiaoqi Feng joins the 2nd meeting of the UNSW #Physical #Activity #Network. With members contributing across many UNSW faculties including #Medicine and #Health and #Arts, #Design and #Architecture, it's a really strong testament to the #interdisciplinary and #inclusive approach promoted by Dr Rona Macniven, Dr Grace McKeon and Xiao when they founded this Network last year.

20.09.2024 Professor Thomas Astell-Burt and Professor Xiaoqi Feng visit Brown University in US.


Xiao commented how it was Great to be at the Brown University #nature and #health workshop among many friends and lots of new ones.


Thomas commented he had a wonderful learning experience at the Brown University #Nature and #Health workshop. A lot of conferences are great. This was next level, meeting many stellar academics whose work I've long admired (e.g., Jennifer D. Roberts, Viniece Jennings, Liisa Tyrväinen), while also being able to catch up with many colleagues and co-authors (e.g., Terry Hartig, Howard Frumkin, Rich Mitchell, Xiaoqi Feng, Matthew Browning). Extra special to meet many stars of the future, including Jong Cheol Shin, Jihong Min, and Jue Yang. Laughter and friendship in ample supply!

04.09.2024 Publication for Professor Thomas Astell-Burt: Are Big Cities Ready to Mitigate Climate Change? Evidence from Sydney, Australia. Climate. 2024; 12(9):137.

08.2024 Professor Xiaoqi Feng joins other panel members for the Power of Public Spaces Speaker Series: Infrastructures of care panel discussion.  *Photo Credit: Jamie Humphris 

Watch the video online here.

Watch on our VIDEOS & AUDIO page

08.2024 Speaking to the Power of Public Spaces, Professor Xiaoqi Feng and Professor Thomas Astell-Burt talk about public spaces and their benefits 

Watch on our VIDEOS & AUDIO page

08.2024 Watch Professor Thomas Astell-Burt’s presentation at the Charles Perkins Centre at Nepean Clinical School - University of Sydney.


Watch online Or watch on our VIDEO & AUDIO page


05.08.2024. Professor Astell-Burt was pleased to present “#Nature Prescriptions for #Heart #Health” recently at #CSANZ2024 - Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand in Perth.

05.08.2024 Professor Xiaoqi Feng and Professor Thomas Astell-Burt celebrate their award winning paper!

Thomas was very pleased to receive the 2024 High Impact Award on behalf of the author team at the #CSANZ2024 - Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand AGM 🎉

07.2024 Professor Feng celebrates with the Western Sydney Diabetes team as they celebrated its 10-year anniversary!

Professor Thomas Astell-Burt featured on the event Panel “Primary Prevention Champion”. Watch the video of the panel on our VIDEO &  AUDIO page

Xiao commented “This was a significant milestone for my long-term collaboration with Western Sydney Diabetes and its Director, Professor Glen F Maberly, with whom I've worked consistently since 2012 alongside Prof Thomas Astell-Burt and others to generate and drive evidence into policy for on-the-ground change.”

12.07.2024 NEW PAPER! #Flourishing #Cities need #Healthy #Oceans. Professor Astell-Burt and international experts contributes to new paper. For more on this and what we can do to keep our oceans healthy, read on:

05.07.2024 Professor Thomas Astell-Burt presents about his research programs on #NatureBasedSolutions for #health and #loneliness with health professionals in Sydney’s west at the Nepean Clinical School at the University of Sydney

01.07.2024 Professor Thomas Astell-Burt is featured in the Glebe Sciety Bulletin July 2024 edition. The article reflects on Thomas’ earlier presentation for The Glebe Society 8th Annual Biodiversity Lecture. Thomas spoke on 'Regenerative Cities and Flourishing Communities: why more trees might mean less loneliness and better health' at Benledi.

26.06.2024 Professor Astell-Burt presented  at ASPIRE Conference #EACH24 in Sydney. Thomas featured in a panel discussion on  #SocialPrescribing and making our communities healthier, more sustainable and liveable. 

24.06.2024 Two PowerLab PhD students have graduated!

 Congratulations to Dr Shumirai Mushangwe for her Thesis on Understanding the Relationships between Urban Greenspace, Ethnicity and Mental Health. Congratulations also to Dr Eme John for his Thesis on Green space and healthy aging.

21.06.2024 Publication for Professor Thomas Astell-Burt.

Pre-COVID life expectancy, mortality, and burden of

diseases for adults 70 years and older in Australia: a systematic analysis for

the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study. The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific. 1;47. Published 1 June 2024 

19.06.2024 Publication for Professor Feng.

Aminpour F, Feng X, Mularczyk L, Pettit C. Sharing public open spaces with local schools: A stakeholder-based analysis of governance issues. July 2024. Cities. 150, 105007. 

14.06.2024 Professor Astell-Burt comments “A pleasure to contribute to this consequential area of research 🙏

Evidence indicates that #Gardening is beneficial for our #health. Yet we (re)design #cities increasingly absent of opportunities to garden.

Our thoughts on changing the status quo in Croakey Health Media, led by Dr Jonathan Kingsley

Read the article here. 

05.06.2024 On  #WorldEnvironmentDay Professor Xiaoqi Feng hosted Professor Graham Cousens and students from Drew University at UNSW School of #PopulationHealth to discuss  #BuiltEnvironment, #nature and #health

05.06.2024 Professor Astell-Burt celebrates UN World Environment Day and the recent #PANDATrial Co-Design workshop.

04.06.2024 Professor Astell-Burt is looking forward to speaking at the #ASPIRE conference, #EACH24, June 25-27, 2024 

31.05.2024  Professor Xiaoqi Feng meets the Addi Moves Program team led by Simon Rosenbaum at the Addison Road Community Centre, #Marrickville and presented her research on #nature and #health

29.05.2024 Professor Astell-Burt was honored to be selected to give the 8th Annual #Biodiversity Lecture for The Glebe Society.  

18.05.2024 The Lancet publication for Professor Feng and Professor Astell-Burt.

Vollset SE, Ababneh HS,  ... Astell-Burt T, Feng X, et al. Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet.  May 2024 18;403 (10440), 2204-56.  

18.05.2024 The Lancet publication for Professor Feng and Professor Astell-Burt.

Brauer M, Roth GA, ... Astell-Burt T, Feng X, et al. Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet. May 2024.18;403(10440), 2162-203. 

17.05.2024 Professor Astell-Burt presents in Webinar “Environmental Determinants of Health: From Earth to Health”


The webinar explored the direct and indirect health effects of climate change and the major role clinician-researchers play in shaping health outcomes that are influenced by environmental shifts.

Watch the webinar on our Videos and Audio page

14.05.2024 Publication for PowerLab Co-Directors and staff.

Astell-Burt, T., Navakatikyan, M., White, M. P., & Feng, X. (2024). Exploring autonomous and controlled motivations for nature contact to maximise health benefits. People and Nature, 6, 1155–1170. 

02.05.2024  Professor Xiaoqi Feng thanks Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) and Simon Rosenbaum for inviting her to talk at the 2024 Research to Practice Conference - International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney)
Xiao shared findings from her research program and discussed new potential projects in her nature  prescriptions research program.

image credit LinkedIn 

03.2024 Publication for PowerLab Co-Directors, staff and colleague. 

Show me the money! Associations between tree canopy and hospital costs in cities for cardiovascular disease events in a longitudinal cohort study of 110,134 participants. By Xiaoqi Feng, Michael Navakatikyan, Simon Eckermann, Thomas Astell-Burt. Environment International, Volume 185, 108558.

06.05.2024  PANDA Trial  Co-Design Workshop participants

06.05.2024 PANDA Trial Co-Design Workshop was held at University of Sydney with PANDA Investigators, Consumer representatives and guests. 

03.2024 Professor Xiaoqi Feng was Chair in the Capacity Building and Education Committee's ( online course: Introduction to Environmental Epidemiology.

The course featured Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue from the Department of Social Epidemiology, Graduate School of Medicine and School of Public Health at Kyoto University

image credit LinkedIn 

10.01.2024 Professor Thomas Astell-Burt takes up new position as Professor of Cities and Planetary Health , The University of Sydney, School of Architecture, Design and Planning. 

image credit USYD


17.11.2023 Professor Astell-Burt has ranked #1 in the Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers 2023

Each researcher selected has authored multiple Highly Cited Papers™ which rank in the top 1% by citations for their field(s) and publication year in the Web of Science™ over the past decade. 

03.11.2023 UNSW Medicine and Health are pleased to share that Professor Xiaoqi Feng @UrbanFeng is the new chair of the @UNSW  Medicine & Health Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee (MHEDIC). 

06.08.2023 Professor Astell-Burt speaks on MPAVILLION MTalks. “MTalks—Putting down roots: How green spaces can counter loneliness” can be listened to here.

27.07.2023 City of Sydney News feature research from Professor Thomas Astell-Burt. The article discusses the many benefits of urban forests, planting street trees in the city of Sydney and how Thomas’ research has found “One in 3 adults spends less than 2 hours a week in nature, missing out on many health benefits. But 82% would accept a nature prescription from a health professional, so protecting and restoring tree canopy in our streets and parks is crucial to give everyone the opportunity to reconnect with nature.”

19.07.2023 Professor Thomas Astell-Burt gives presentation at Australian Social Prescribing Institute of Research and Education (ASPIRE) 2023 EACH Conference on Queensland’s Gold Coast.


Thomas’ message: optimise #health benefits of #nature and #socialprescriptions with high quality #greenspace

*Image credit ASPIRE 

18.07.2023 UNSW Medicine and Health Tweet highlights Professor Feng and Professor Astell-Burt’s feature on 7WEEKENDER tv segment

14.07.2023 Professor Feng presents at @UnswWater @LSHTM & Resilience Centre Kenya & @NorthwesternU webinar.

Professor Feng presented her research on #naturebasedsolutions for #HealthEquity at the roundtable discussion on #waterinsecurity #climatechange & #mentalhealth. 

11.07.2023 Professor Astell-Burt presents invited Keynote and panel discussion at the UN FAO 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests Pre-Forum Webinar on Health and Green Spaces.

Thomas provided an overview of his latest research on the links between green spaces and human health. This was followed by a panel discussion between Thomas and two of his international research collaborators A/Prof Deepti Adlakha and Dr Ana Isabel Ribeiro plus Greg Vann.

Watch the webinar here.

01.07.2023 New publication for PowerLab Co-Directors and team members in the impactful journal ‘The Lancet’.

View the article “Nature prescriptions should address motivations and barriers to be effective, equitable, and sustainable.

30.06.2023 Professor Astell-Burt has been invited to present a keynote at the upcoming 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests Pre-Forum Webinar on Health and Green Spaces, where he will provide an overview of his latest research on the links between green spaces and human health. A panel discussion will follow the keynote.

22.06.2023 New publication for Professor Feng and Astell-Burt in the prestigous Journal The Lancet. Publication titled "Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021"

15.06.2023 Professor Astell-Burt is delighted to be an invited member of the International Expert Advisory Board for €6.3M @HorizonEU and @UKRI_News RESONATE project with 14 partners across Europe, led by Prof Mat White @univienna to define the effectiveness of nature-based therapy.

Further infomation

14.06.2023 New publication for Professor Feng and Astell-Burt in Sustainability. Publication titled "Towards Key Principles for the Design and Implementation of Nature Prescription Programs."

09.06.2023 Professor Astell-Burt gives a talk for the @NSWDPE Community of Practice.  

Professor Astell-Burt’s message: #MoreGreenTimeLessScreenTime 

01.06.2023 Professor Feng presents at @ccrc_unsw @ClimateExtremes Climate Change Research Centre Seminar Series.

31.05.2023 Professor Feng is profiled by Visible Women

Profile: Meet @UrbanFeng expert in the intersection of green space & health. Here, she shares her journey as a 1st-generation Chinese immigrant to Australia, the challenges faced & her efforts to support women & culturally diverse in higher education.

Read more here

26.05.2023 Professor Astell-Burt announces PhD opportunity at UOW.

#Loneliness is common but it need not be. Let's find effective, durable, and equitable solutions together Join me as a #PhD student on full 3-year scholarship @UOW @UOWASSH #Australia with

Express interest by 11/06/23 

23.05.2023 Professor Feng is featured by Visible Women. Professor Feng comments “"I’d also like to see more culturally diverse female executive members of university leadership teams. [W]e need to provide support & mentorship to high-performing researchers & help them rise to the top, especially culturally diverse women” 

18.05.2023 Professor Feng is invited speaker at #UNGRSW 7th UN Global Road Safety Week. The online panel discussed modal shift to safe and sustainable transport in Australia - and more –  

11.05.2023 PhD Opportunities are available with PowerLab. 

Register your interest in studying a PhD with PowerLab and we will contact you with more information about what Phd's are available. 

Register here!

27.04.2023 Professor Feng is Looking forward to the discussions in an upcoming webinar #nature #builtenvironment #health.


Have you ever wondered how your home, office or city could affect your health? In this free webinar on Wednesday 17 May, learn about the impact of the natural and built environment on our health, development, and wellbeing.

19.04.2023 ABC Radio National interview “Spending more time in nature, on doctor's orders” with Professor Xiaoqi Feng on ‘Life Matters’ program. The presenter is Hilary Harper.


The interview is also available on our Videos & Audio page.

10.04.2023 The Sydney Morning Herald features Professor Xiaoqi Feng in article “Is it time for your doctor to give you a ‘nature prescription’?” By Sarah Berry

17.04.2023 Professors Astell-Burt is happy to be ranked #1 of 10,427 globally for research output on  Recreational Parks, #greenspace, #parks and #publichealth spanning 2013-2023 by @expertscapenews. Professor Feng also features highly on the list. Congratulations to both!

10.04.2023 Professor Feng appears on Channel 10’s The Project discussing Nature Prescriptions and the PANDA Trial.

Watch here.


The clip is available to watch on our Videos & Audio page

10.04.2023 ABC Radio Drive with Mary Gearin and  Professor Feng - Discussing Nature Prescriptions and the PANDA Trial 

The interview is available to listen to on our Videos & Audio page 

04.04.2023 The Guardian article “Prescribed time in nature linked to improvements in anxiety, depression and blood pressure” featuring the PANDA Trial and Nature Prescriptions by Prof Feng & Prof Astell-Burt. 

04.04.2023 The Canberra Times article features Prof Feng & Prof Astell-Burt’s PANDA Trial and Nature Prescriptions “'Nature prescriptions' improve patient health: study” 

04.04.2023 The Illawarra Mercury article features Prof Feng & Prof Astell-Burt’s PANDA Trial and Nature Prescriptions “'Nature prescriptions' improve patient health: study” 

04.04.2023 The Illawarra Mercury article features Prof Feng & Prof Astell-Burt’s PANDA Trial and Nature Prescriptions “Prescription to spend time in nature may improve diabetes, heart disease: UOW study” 

04.04.2023 1news TVNZ features the article “Take a walk not a pill - nature prescriptions on the rise” featuring Prof Feng and Prof Astell-Burt’s PANDA Trial and Nature Prescriptions 

04.04.2023 1news TVNZ features the video presentation “Take a walk not a pill - nature prescriptions on the rise” featuring Prof Feng and Prof Astell-Burt’s PANDA Trial and Nature Prescriptions.

 Watch the video clip on our Videos & Audio page.

04.04.2023 International Business Times article features Prof Feng & Prof Astell-Burt’s PANDA Trial and Nature Prescriptions “Nature Prescription Benefits Both Mental And Physical Health, Study Finds” 

Article 1 & Article 2

31.03.2023 Professor Astell-Burt is really happy to have mentored @bekkmiddle on a new paper and very excited about future collaborations on #nursing #health and #naturebasedsolutions #ThisIsUOW

@UOW @uowresearch #mentorship 

30.03.2023 New Report featuring Professors Feng, Professor Astell-Burt and international colleagues. Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options. A Global Assessment Report.


Professor Feng and Professor Astell-Burt’s contributions can be found in Chapters 2 & 3. 

25.03.2023 Professors Feng and Astell-Burt were interviewed by The Sydney Morning Herald’s ‘The Age’. The interview titled ‘A nature prescription could be just what the doctor ordered’ covers the announcement of, and plans for, the PANDA Trial.

16.03.2023 Introducing the PANDA Trial! #PANDAtrial

Professor Astell-Burt and Professor Feng announce the PANDA Trial which has been awarded $1.5M funding from the NHMRC MRFF grant scheme.


The trial will study the effect of Physical Activity in #Nature for cardiometabolic Diseases in people Aged 45y+


The media release can be found here and project details on the PANDA Trial page on our website.

10.03.2023 New publication for PowerLab Co-Directors. “Nature experience from yards provide an important space for mental health during Covid-19.: npj Urban Sustain 3, 14 (10 March 2023).

08.03.2023 Watch the VIDEO of Professor Feng’s interview on the APAC Network. In the interview “How cities affect our health” Professor Feng discusses how her research proves that not only is exposure to nature good for us, not having enough green space in urban environments is actually detrimental to our health.

08.03.2023 Professor Feng is profiled by UNSW Medicine & Health  @UNSWMedicine for 2023 International Womens Day.

02.03.2023 New publication for Professor Feng. “Cross-sectional survey of a convenience sample of Australians who use alcohol home delivery services.” Drug Alcohol Rev. 2023.

02.03.2023 New publication for Professor Astell-Burt and PowerLab PhD candidate Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz. “Diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic: are people getting access to the right level of care?.” BMC Health Serv Res 23, 167.

28.02.2023 Professor Feng reflects on seeing her research with Professor Astell-Burt and how it is influencing policy in  @Committee4Syd's Nature Positive report.

As the report says: "#Nature is a key part of our connected #city systems".

See link for full article

28.02.2023 Professor Feng is looking forward to celebrating Parks Week on 4-6 March, in NSW, Victoria, Queensland and SA, organised by @heartfoundation.

The benefits of greener communities on heart health can be read about in her paper “Leafier Communities, Healthier Hearts: An Australian Cohort Study of 104,725 Adults Tracking Cardiovascular Events and Mortality Across 10 Years of Linked Health Data”

28.02.2023 PowerLab Phd candidate Eme John has taken on the new role of Data Analyst – Epidemiology and Analysis in the Epidemiology and Data Systems Branch of Health Protection, NSW Health.

Eme is glad that using the training he receives at PowerLab can contribute to the achievement of the goals of NSW Health.

Eme will continue his Phd Studies while in this exciting new role. Congratulations Eme!

19.02.2023 Professor Astell-Burt comments how he is delighted that “@cityofsydney used research by Professor Feng @UrbanFeng and himself to develop the groundbreaking urban forest strategy. #trees are so  consequential for public health, now and for generations to come @UOW @UNSW

25.01.2023 Professor Astell-Burt is pleased to have been invited to contribute to this international report on #trees and #health led by @AnUrbanForester  and with stellar researchers around the world

20.01.2023 Professor Feng speaks with James Valentine on ABC Radio Sydney Breakfast with James Valentine. Listen to the interview on our Videos & Audio page

18.01.2023 'Healthier hearts' for city dwellers who live closer to #trees. Professor Astell-Burt thanks @SBSNews  for covering the paper on trees and heart health, co-authored with Professor Feng.

10.01.2023 Professor Feng and Professor Astell-Burt’s research is featured in this UNSW Newsroom article “Leafier communities, healthier hearts: study”

12.01.2023 Professor Feng talks about her research and latest publications in an interview with Eastside Radio 89.7FM.
Listen to the interview on our Videos & Audio page

02.01.2023 Thomas comments on new publication with Xiaoqi and international colleagues. The study shows >80% Australian adults interested in #nature prescriptions for #health 

23.12.2022 PowerLab Co-Directors research features in The Canberra Times commentary by Jenna Price “More people are feeling lonely and it might be because of the cities we build” 

21.12.2022 New publication for Prof’s Feng & Astell-Burt: What types of green space disrupt a lonelygenic environment? A cohort study

16.12.2022 Prof Feng receives Heroes Award for her part in the UNSW Medicine Faculty Elevate Team. 

This award recognises individuals and teams who have supported students or colleagues during the year in unexpected or exceptional ways through their generosity and kindness.

05.12.2022 Xiao is promoted to Professor of Urban Health and Environment, UNSW School of Population Health.

 Congratulations Xiao on achieving this milestone in your career! 

09.12.2022 PowerLab co-directors Prof Xiaoqi Feng and Prof Thomas Astell-Burt publish a commentary in the prestigious “The Lancet Planetary Health”.

The paper “Lonelygenic environments: a call for research on multilevel determinants of loneliness” discusses the loneliness found across our communities and the factors which may influence it. From social media, stigma, physical and mental health, transport and loss of tree canopy and recreational green space.


Prof Astell-Burt and Prof Feng call for research to establish a foundation of evidence that measures lonelygenic environments, which could vary from place to place, and to integrate that evidence into optimising loneliness reduction strategies that work for everyone.

27.11.2022 Thomas’ greenspace and loneliness conceptual model is making a mark through @EndLonelinessUK's report on Built Environment 

24.11.2022 Shumi Mushangwe, PowerLab PhD candidate, presents at the HAS Inaugural Annual HDR Student Conference.  Shumi presented her published paper titled "Ethnic inequalities in green space availability: Evidence from Australia." 

24.11.2022 Eme John, PowerLab PhD candidate, presents at the HAS Inaugural Annual HDR Student Conference. Eme presented his recently published paper titled “Green space and inequities in healthy ageing: are grasses greener on the socioeconomically advantages side?” 

16.11.2022 Time to celebrate! One million trees planted as part of the Greening our City Premier's Priority featuring PowerLab research.

We recognise that findings on #greenspace and #health will have long-lasting Research Impact. 

07.10.2022 New publication for A/Prof Xiaoqi Feng, Prof Thomas Astell-Burt and PowerLab colleagues.

Have Deaths of Despair Risen during the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 

09.11.2022 PowerLab Co-Director Professor Thomas Astell-Burt has been named as the best in Australia from 14 fields of research in The Australian newspaper’s annual list highlighting Australian research excellence.

Thomas was recognised in the Australian Research 2023 Magazine as the top researcher in two fields, environmental and occupational medicine, and toxicology.
Congratulations Thomas! 

07.11.2022 Professor Astell-Burt reflects that across 2022 it’s been an honour for him to collaborate on a #loneliness report with so many influential Australians in The Groundswell Foundation Reference Group & @kpmgaustralia, consummately led by @mblake_iHelm.

The report can be found here

07.11.2022 To mark mental health awareness month, Prof Thomas Astell-Burt in conjunction with the University of Wollongong (UOW) hosted a symposium on a pressing issue affecting more than one in four Australians – loneliness.

Reducing Loneliness Together  brought together academics, representatives of patients, carers and their families, and experts across the health, urban planning and greening sectors, all committed to working towards identifying potentially effective and equitable solutions to loneliness. 

The full event wrap up can be read here 

03.11.2022 Prof Astell-Burt and reference group colleagues release Gourndswell Foundation report "Connections Matter: A report on the impacts of loneliness in Australia" 

The report can be found here

07.10.2022 Reducing Loneliness  Together. Effective Scalable Solutions For Everyone. Workshop open to UOW Staff & PhD Students. 

Reducing Loneliness Together will feature a range of speakers with diverse backgrounds, experiences and expertise who, through a process of sharing discoveries and discussing ideas, will work towards identifying potentially effective and equitable solutions to loneliness. 

Speakers so far include Professor Patricia M. Davidson Vice-Chancellor UOW,  Professor David Currow Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Health and Sustainable Futures) UOW, Professor Thomas Astell-Burt Professor, UOW and Founding Co-Director of PowerLab, Dr Summer Finlay, Senior Lecturer UOW, Martin Blake Chair, Groundswell Foundation,  Nieves Murray CEO, Suicide Prevention Australia, Dr Caroline Butler-Bowdon Executive Director, Cities Revitalisation and Place, Transport for NSW, Phil Pettitt Community Greening Manager, Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, Catherine Lourey Commissioner, NSW Mental Health Commission & Dr Anthony Brown Executive Director Health Consumers NSW.

03.11.2022 Dr Faysal Kabir Shuvo celebrated his PhD graduation with family and friends at UOW Campus. Congratulations to Faysal on this special occasion! 

07.09.2022 New publication for PowerLab PhD graduate Dr Selin Akaraci and PowerLab Co-Directors A/Prof Xiaoqi Feng & Prof Astell-Burt T: Associations between green space, air pollution and birthweight in Sydney Metropolitan Area, Australia. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 76, 127726.

23.08.2022 A/Prof Xiaoqi Feng is interviewed on ABC Perth Radio. The interview will be available shortly on the Videos & Audio page 

18.08.2022 A/Prof Xiaoqi Feng is interviewed on Radio Adelaide. The interview will be available shortly on the Videos & Audio page 

17.08.2022 New publication in The Conversation for PowerLab Co-Directors. Co-Authored by A/Prof Xiaoqi Feng & Prof Thomas Astell-Burt, discussing how quality green spaces offer a solution to loneliness. 

02.08.2022 New PowerLab publication: Astell-Burt T, Hartig T, Putra IG, Walsan R, Dendup T, Feng X. Green space and loneliness: a systematic review with theoretical and methodological guidance for future research. Science of The Total Environment. 

PowerLab 5 Year & 2021 Annual Report now available on our NEWSLETTERS page!

27.07.2022 PowerLab Co-Director A/P Xiaoqi Feng invitated to be a speaker in October at Bloomberg CityLab 2022 global cities summit.

Speakers bio can be found on the event website  

18.07.2022 A/P Xiaoqi Feng features in an interview with Inner West Connections about “Callan Park - the green asylum”.

Listen to or read the article. Xiao features from 00:23:50min. 

 01.07.2022 Dr I Gusti Ngurah Edi Putra – PowerLab Graduate – is awarded Best Oral Presentation and Young Investigator Award at the recent ISEE-AWPC & ISES-AC Joint Conference 2022 Awards. Congratulations Edi!

01.07.2022 Thomas presents at Connect & Share #102 hosted by Outdoors NSW & ACT. 

Watch on our VIDEOS page

08.06.22 PowerLab Co-Directors invited by @SydneyLHD  to give a webinar on  Geomapping in #publichealth. 

Slides available in our Resources

30.05.2022 A/Prof Feng hosts ISEE AWPC webinar with Prof Haidong Kan of FuDan University. Prof Kan spoke about his career and new research on airpollution & health. Watch on ISEE Global Education Channel

06.04.2022 Congratulations to Dr Edi Putra of PowerLab, whose PhD on understanding the association between neighbourhood green space quality and prosocial behaviour across childhood and adolescence was officially completed last week. Edi is now a postdoc at the University of Liverpool in the UK.

30.03.2022 Keynote presentation for Prof Astell-Burt at 2022 titled "Prescribe nature for community and planetary health". 2022 is powered by Stormwater NSW. aims to facilitate sustainable development that is future focused, resilient, and adaptive through a networked community.

Thomas discussed his research in PowerLab on Big Data, environment and Public Health, especially greenspace & Environmental Justice and health projects.

Conference details can be found at

18.03.2022 In acknowledgement of #worldsleepday2022 ‘More trees🌳better sleep s💤 healthier planet🌏’ @ConversationEDU:  article Prof written by Prof Astell-Burt & A/Prof Feng for #WorldSleepDay 

28.10.2021 PowerLab celebrates World Cities Day on 31 October 2021. Our PowerCard on Urban green space and health aligns with this year’s theme of: Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience. Read More here: Link to article 

28.10.2021 NSW DPIE Valuing Green Infrastructure & Public Spaces high-level discussion on challenges of valuing green infrastructure and open spaces, with Prof Thomas Astell-Burt. View twitter details here and here. View event summary here

26.10.2021 Prof Astell-Burt features as Keynote at the UN/FAO’s 3rd Asia Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting ‘Healthy Cities’ panel, also featuring PowerLab’s A/Prof Xiaoqi Feng. View Twitter details here. View event summary here.

27.10.2021 Congratulations to PowerLab graduate Dr Tashi Dendup on his new role as Senior Health Program Manager with Save the Children Country Office, Bhutan. Best wishes Dr Dendup! 

17.09.2021 Congratulations to Prof Thomas Astell-Burt, who was part of a UOW Major Equipment Grant awarded $74,405, led by Senior Prof Tony Okely

16.09.2021 PowerLab
Co-Directors A/Prof Xiaoqi Feng and Prof Thomas Astell-Burt make invited presentations with the Greater Sydney Landcare Network. Watch the video

12.09.2021. It’s Dementia Action Week from 20-26 September 2021. Here is how PowerLab’s research is helping to take action! See our PowerGraphic on Dementia